Before I developed the Sleep Soundly series, 

I was exhausted and in survival mode through my day- 

hoping no one would notice my brain fog-

I was tired of feeling tired-maybe you can relate.

I didn't want pillows taking up the whole bed...

traditional stretches weren't working...

my body ached by mid-afternoon and I longed for a hot bath for a little relief but I still couldn't sleep well. 

My back hurt, my belly was heavy, my pelvis ached. 

I read what little research there was, tried different approaches that work for other types of back pain-

and finally one day I found the right combination.

I started doing this combination of movements on my lunch break in my office and before bed...

it worked!

I finally started sleeping comfortably and waking up feeling more like myself.

Now, you have the opportunity to do the same movement routines to help yourself. (Why only $5? I am determined to get this into more mamas hands because I know it works.)

No fluff or nonsense... simply what has worked wonders for 

hundreds of tired mamas needing comforting nights of rest.

Finally! A Simple Prenatal Sleep System For Mamas Who Struggle with Getting to Sleep/Staying Asleep So You Can Sleep Tonight!

Sleep Soundly

Just easy 10-min videos to follow along with me 'til you do all-the-right stretches and flows to drift off peacefully...

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How Will This Help Me Sleep?

Sleep Soundly is a counterintuitive approach to improve pregnancy aches,

allowing you to get comfortable in bed so you can actually sleep...

without taking over the whole bed with pillows...

...and without tossing and turning all night long...

This approach is not just static stretching, holding each stretch for 30 seconds. 

This movement series progressively opens up the back, hips and pelvis with rhythmic movements combined with some traditional static stretches.

Most pregnant mamas I have worked with over the last 10 years love doing these around 4PM when the weight of the belly bump starts to feel heavy and exhausting.

And as a result...can get through the day feeling good knowing your body can rest and recharge.

Sleep Soundly On-Demand

Here is how it works:

Inside Your Sleep Soundly 3 Day Strategy

Yes! I Am Ready To Sleep Soundly!

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Recommended by Dr. Marlene Mireles, PT, DPT

Hi, I'm Dr. Shari!

I am a doctor of physical therapy and a health coach-but I am no different than you. Back pain during pregnancy was part of my first pregnancy story-but I dealt with it in a holistic way. 

Part of that solution was this routine to relax my muscles so I could sleep during pregnancy. 

I am in the top 6% of Orthopedic Physical Therapists in the USA and I decided I can't leave this information to those within my local area.

I'm on a mission to make self care for your body as a mom more accessible because the old healthcare structure doesn't support our lifestyle.

~Dr. Shari Miller

How Only 3 Days Can Change Everything

It is just 3 days. 

But this is about building habits and by doing a short flow and stretch series each day-

you'll enter a more relaxed place. 

You'll know the movements that your body loves the best.

You'll know the best position to sleep during pregnancy. 

It's only 3 days!

I created this program for myself, to ease my backaches so I could sleep at night. 

I never dreamt it would be shared with women across the entire USA. 

You don't need to live another day frustrated, tired, tossing and turning. 

You can wake up feeling refreshed, enjoy pregnancy and feel ready for the day you deliver.

You don't need to just suffer until baby is born...

don't let anyone tell you that!

My mission is to teach you the self care so you can have the confidence to know what your body needs during this special time. 

Take my hand...

I'll show you the way. 

I believe in you!

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