Suffering with Back, Hip, Pelvic or Sciatica Pains?
Attend Our FREE Workshop and Learn the Weird (Almost Backwards) But Totally Simple Secrets That Will Restore Hope and Unlock Natural Healing For You!
Attn Expecting Mama:
Why Moms Love Working With Dr. Shari

Dr. Shari is the Physical Therapist who other PTs Ask Advice From:
Review from Dr. Marlene Mireles, PT, DPT

In This FREE Workshop You'll Learn:
How Trying Every "New" Exercise You See Actually Keeps You From Healing
How To Fast Forward Your Healing By Doing Less
How To Pinpoint The Right 'Exercises' For Your Problem And Quit Wasting Time On What Doesn’t Work
Hey, I'm Dr. Shari Miller...

"Unlock the Comfortable Pregnancy Code"
The 3 Simple Secrets That Skyrocket Your Chances For Relief And Unlock Natural Healing Without Yoga, Waiting It Out Or Needing Others To “Fix You”

Enjoy Your Pregnancy and Prepare For Birth
Are you struggling with back, hip, pelvic or sciatica pain and are tired of feeling miserable while your provider simply says "it's a part of pregnancy" and starting to doubt how much longer you can do this?
If you'd like to finally find relief without pillows, massages or boring yoga... then this is for you.
Don't miss my FREE Workshop- "Unlock the Comfortable Pregnancy Code"

I'm a doctor of physical therapy and a board certified orthopedic specialist. So glad you're here!
I help teach expecting mamas with back, hip, pelvic and sciatica pain how to heal themselves & get back to living life using simple pain-free motions so you can have your perfect birth.
I care about what I do, and I care about you...
After living across the country while my husband was in the Army (TN, OH, VA, HI) and learning alongside the best Orthopedic specialists- It became clear that healthcare tries to "fix you."
Whether or not you believe me at the moment... you're not broken.
My mission is to teach you how to heal yourself naturally using movement as medicine.
Thanks for being here!
Dr. Shari